Sunday, December 11, 2011

Family Pictures 2011

I had to start off with the above picture because this pretty much sums up how pleasant taking family pictures is with little kids. Parker is smiling though, as always. He is such a happy kid. :)
We decided last minute to get some family pictures. People have been asking for updated pictures and we haven't had any family pictures taken in three years, and of course that was before we had Asher, so we thought it was time. We were rushing around the house on Saturday trying to scrounge up some outfits that we thought might work and get the boys dressed and ready before the sun went down. Of course, if I was prepared I would have bought new outfits for the everybody, given all the boys much needed haircuts and had them dressed and ready in plenty of time. But that is not how things worked out. All things considered though, I think we got some decent shots.


aunt choody said...

They turned out great!

colleen said...

I loved all of them!

The Pooles said...

Great shots! I loved the last photo with little Asher crying. Family photos can always be an adventure!

Anonymous said...

Your family is so cute and your pictures are great.

Hope said...

So totally adorable! And I don't think it's possible for anyone to be prepared when you have 4 kids. :)