I thought this would be a good opportunity to do an update on each of us. I was looking through our blog a few weeks ago and was sad that I had stopped blogging more than a year ago. I really enjoy looking back at how much the kids have grown and all the things we have done together. So I am doing a mega catch up. I will start with each of our birthdays.

Tristan recently turned 5. I love this boy so much, but in the past he has exasperated me to the point of madness. But in the last few months he has really been such a joy to our family. He is learning to read and write and loves telling us random but adorably cute stories. As long as you don't ever tell him he is adorable or cute. That is something I have to keep to myself unless I want a stern talking to from him telling me how he is not cute, only cool or awesome. He loves super heroes and actually has a bunch of imaginary super heroes that seem to have more authority than mom sometimes. His preschool teacher says he is very smart and he cracks her up with all the cute things he says.

Carter turned 9 over the summer and was so excited to get to light his own candles on his birthday cake. Carter is such a caring boy. He loves his little brothers and is good about taking care of them. He is constantly asking about the baby in my tummy. Asking how big he is or asking if we can read information online about how he is developing. He loves to feel the baby move and is eagerly anticipating his arrival. He is doing very well in school. He is an amazing speller and loves math. He recently joined the school orchestra and is learning to play the viola. I can't wait to go to his first concert in November.
I told the boys that they could have birthday parties when they turned 8 but since we had just moved into a new neighborhood and didn't know many people last year we decided to let Carter have a pool party this year. Here are some of the party goers.

Oh there is so much to say about our sweet little Asher. The above picture is him on his 2nd birthday more than 6 months ago. He loves balls more than any of our other boys and I think we will have to start him in sports earlier than we did with the other boys. He also loves to sing. I will often catch him singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Pat-a-cake or London Bridges, among many others. He is a quick learner, he knows how to count to 10 and can sing the alphabet and already knows some of the sounds that the letters make. He loves to play with with blocks and has a set of blocks that he always insists come to bed with him every night. But the thing that I cannot forget to mention about Asher is his hair. We are always getting comments about his crazy hair. I should probably insert a more recent picture of it as it seems to get crazier with each passing month. It sticks up like mad no matter how hard we try to smooth it down. I cannot even take him out of the house without someone commenting on his wild hair.

This picture was taken last year when Parker was turning 7 and he has grown so much since then. It amazes me how smart this kid is. We recently got the results of a reading test that his school did and he scored 98th percent nationally for his grade. That is amazing to me. He is in second grade and is reading on a 4th to 5th grade reading level. He loves to learn new things and in constantly recalling facts about things he has read or seen. He loves to play with friends and seriously dislikes doing chores around the house. He is a joy to have in our family.
This is a picture of me on my 30th birthday. Sometimes I cant believe I am already in my thirties, then I remember that I am pregnant with my 5th kid and I think its ok to be 30.
Andrew was such a good sport to wear the big birthday hat while we sang to him. The kids couldn't get me to put it on, it's a good thing they have such a fun dad.